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Excellence in Insurance Exam Prep

  • We are ready to help you pass your insurance exam on the 1st attempt.
  • Receive your training by one of the best insurance schools in the country.
  • Training at your own pace! 100% online – no classroom required.
  • Get Started Now and be ready for your exam in 10 Days.

Why Choose Us?


Licensed instructors are available to answer your questions 7 days a week, by email and phone. We help guide you through the licensing process. We are always just one click or phone call away.


For 10 + years we’ve helped hundreds of insurance pros pass their exam on the 1st attempt. If you follow all of our study recommendations, we guarantee you will pass the exam on your 1st attempt or your next class is FREE.


The goal of our course material is to provide understanding of the context so that you are capable of understanding and correctly answering questions on your state exam.

3 Reasons to Join the Insurance Industry Now:

Z Employment opportunities are growing at a rapid pace.

The U.S. insurance industry employed an estimated 2.5 million people over the last year, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Of those, 1.5 million worked for insurance companies, including life and health insurers, P/C insurers and reinsurers. The remaining 1.1 million people worked for insurance agencies, brokers and other insurance-related enterprises.

Z The opportunity to make over six-figures.

Yes, this is actually possible. If you are in the right area of insurance, the salaries can be huge. Market underwriters, agency owners and senior vice presidents at insurance companies make well into the six-figures. Even if you are an actuary, or claims adjuster, the potential to earn six figures is definitely possible.

Z There is a job for everyone.

One of the great things about the insurance industry is that you don’t have to have a specific educational background or set of work experiences. While there are many insurance diploma programs, certifications and specializations that can offer you a distinct advantage, you can have a great career in insurance without necessarily having a background in insurance. Most top insurance companies assess a potential hire based on their knowledge, skills and previous work experience as it relates to their current needs. Companies hire people they like, so be likeable, trainable and ready to learn and doors will begin to open for you!

Free Knowledge Assessment

See what our students have to say…

We are happy to tell you that we both went on and passed the state exam on the first try after studying intensely for two weeks!

Marius and Roxana

Exam went well, I passed. Definitely some tough questions on there but I felt prepared. Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.


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